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You will find the following information in the middle part of our blog. (type the requested word into the field on the top left corner)

Asian food, Asiatischer Kochkurs, Brockenhaus, Deutschkurs,Familientreff, family meeting point, child care, Flee-market, Flohmarkt, German courses, Happy hours, Ladies Coffee, Ladies lunch,practice a language, language, Secondhand, Seecafé, Ski, Snowboard, Sprachencafé, Volleyball,

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sprachencafé / Language Coffee in Buchs

Im Seecafé in Buchs!

Ab sofort kannst du dich gemütlicher Atmosphäre in der Sprache deiner Wahl unterhalten, dabei neue Leute und andere Kulturen kennenlernen und erst noch einen feinen Kaffee oder Tee mit selbstgemachtem Kuchen geniessen. Moderatoren an den jeweiligen Tischen sorgen für Gesprächsstoff und helfen dir, zu Wort zu kommen......
Wir freuen uns auf deinen Besuch.

New in Seecafé in Buchs!

Here, at the Sprachencafé you can enjoy a relaxed, casual atmosphere and be able to practice the language of your choice. Get to know people from other backgrounds and cultures. Of course, there is also time to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and homemade cake. Each language‘s moderator will help develop the conversation and encourage you in speaking the language comfortably and freely. We look forward to seeing you there.

B. Meier, St. Gallerstrasse 44, 9470 Buchs, Tel. 081 756 14 49