8. - 12 August, 2011 Die Fussballclubs Buchs, Gams, Haag, Rüthi, Sevelen und Trübbach das Werdenberger Fussballcamp. Diese Fussballwoche für Knaben und Mädchen der Jahrgänge 1998 bis 2004 findet bereits zum achten Mal statt. Für eine Teilnahmegebühr von CHF 200.00 erleben die Kinder folgende Höhepunkte: -Shirt, Hosen und Stulpen von Adidas -Adidas-Fussball -Sporttasche -Fachmännisch betreute Fussballtrainings -Pontonier-Bootsfahrt -Überraschungen zum Jubiläum _________________________________ The Football clubs of Buchs, Gams, Haag, Rüthi, Sevelen and Trübbach organise the 8th annual Werdenberger Football Camp. This week-long camp is open for girls and boys born between 1998 and 2004. Besides the professional expertise and football training, the kids will receive an Adidas shirt, shorts and socks, an Adidas football, and a sports bag. In addition they will experience the fun of pontooning and will be treated to some jubilee surprises. Participation fee: CHF 200.- Register now - Limited places! | |||||||
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The Roots News have been created for people who have moved to Werdenberg and surrounding regions in the Rhine valley. Are you looking to network, support or social outings and the shaping of friendships?
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You will find the following information in the middle part of our blog. (type the requested word into the field on the top left corner)
Asian food, Asiatischer Kochkurs, Brockenhaus, Deutschkurs,Familientreff, family meeting point, child care, Flee-market, Flohmarkt, German courses, Happy hours, Ladies Coffee, Ladies lunch,practice a language, language, Secondhand, Seecafé, Ski, Snowboard, Sprachencafé, Volleyball,
You will find the following information in the middle part of our blog. (type the requested word into the field on the top left corner)
Asian food, Asiatischer Kochkurs, Brockenhaus, Deutschkurs,Familientreff, family meeting point, child care, Flee-market, Flohmarkt, German courses, Happy hours, Ladies Coffee, Ladies lunch,practice a language, language, Secondhand, Seecafé, Ski, Snowboard, Sprachencafé, Volleyball,